Do foreigners drink tea: do foreigners also drink tea?

2021-01-12 20:50 admin
Why don't foreigners drink Chinese tea
There are several reasons: 1. Consumption habits. In developed countries, black tea is the main consumption, while Chinese black tea has low quality and poor competitiveness. Just as European and American people like strong coffee, they don't accept the light and dry taste of green tea, so they prefer Indian Assam black tea with high caffeine content. "The big head is carried away by black tea, and the small head is occupied by Japan. We can only distribute the leftover materials to China." Shen Caitu said regretfully. 2. Insufficient publicity. Due to the lack of cultural background of green tea consumption, it is difficult to sell high-end green tea abroad. Changjiang Yongwen, deputy Institute of tea research, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, pointed out that countries such as India, Sri Lanka and Kenya all have "tea Council", which is a semi official tea management organization and carries out propaganda abroad every year. China lacks such organizations. 3. Lack of brand. Over the years, China's tea market has been figuratively compared to "having a surname but not a name". A surname means a variety, such as Longjing, Wulong, Maofeng, etc.; a nameless name means that tea does not have its own brand. At present, there are 67000 tea factories in China, with an average annual production of 20 tons of tea per factory, but the total business volume is not as good as that of Lipton in Britain. Compared with Britain, Japan and other developed countries, Chinese tea enterprises have small production scale, simple tea processing, single variety, lack of scientific and technological content, and few famous brands. Extended data: in recent years, due to the rise of health awareness, the number of people switching to green tea is increasing. From 2002 to 2006, green tea sales increased by 222.9% from 4.9 million pounds to 155 million pounds. According to a survey by clipper tea company, there are 16 kinds of green tea in the UK alone, most of which are purchased by women between the ages of 25 and 34. However, even if they drink green tea, many British people only drink Japanese green tea. Most people don't know about Chinese green tea. Reference: survey on the current situation of Chinese tea (3): why don't foreigners drink Chinese tea_ China Agricultural Network
Do foreigners drink tea, too?
Tea is recognized as the first of the three drinks in the world. Many countries like to drink tea. According to the statistical data of Euromonitor, the country with the highest per capita tea consumption in the world is Turkey, with an annual per capita consumption of 3157 grams; Ireland (2191 grams) and the United Kingdom (1942 grams) rank second and third respectively; while China ranks 19th in the world with a per capita tea consumption of 566 grams. Top 10 countries with the highest per capita tea consumption (per year): Turkey, Ireland, UK, Russia, Morocco, New Zealand, Egypt, Japan, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Netherlands, Australia, Chile, United Arab Emirates, Germany, Hong Kong, China, Ukraine China No. 20 Canada
Do foreigners drink tea
Foreigners also drink tea. What about the tea drinking custom of Egyptians? Egypt, located in Africa, is also an important tea importing and exporting country. They like to drink strong and mellow black tea, but they don't like to add milk to the tea soup, but like to add sucrose. The production of Egyptian sugar tea is relatively simple. Put the tea into the cup and make it with boiling water. Add a lot of white sugar in the cup. The proportion is that one cup of tea needs to add two-thirds of the volume of white sugar. After it is fully dissolved, it can be drunk. Tea into the mouth, there is a sticky feeling, you know how high the concentration of sugar, the average person after drinking two or three cups, sweet and greasy even rice do not want to eat. Egyptians also pay attention to the utensils for making tea. They usually use glassware instead of ceramic utensils. The thick red tea is in a transparent glass, like agate, which is very beautiful. Egyptians drink tea from morning to night, whether friends talk or social gatherings, they make tea. Sugar tea is the best drink for Egyptians to entertain guests. How do Kenyans drink tea? Kenya is located in the northeast of the African plateau. It is a country across the equator and bordering on the Indian Ocean. It has a tropical grassland climate with an average altitude of nearly 2000 meters. It has a mild climate all year round, abundant rainfall, red soil and acid soil, which is very suitable for tea growth. The people of Kenya drink tea deeply under the influence of British rule. They mainly drink broken black tea, but some do not drink afternoon tea. The habit of brewing black tea with sugar is very common. In the past, only the upper class drank tea. At present, ordinary people generally drink tea. They can also see places for drinking tea in big hotels and markets. The emergence of green tea in Kenya is a matter of recent years. Do Moroccans also have the habit of drinking tea? Tea from China, through the Silk Road, and across the Arab world, came to Morocco in North Africa. Moroccan people believe in Islam, do not drink, and there are very few other drinks, so tea drinking is very popular here. Moroccans from the king down to the common people, everyone likes to drink tea, it can be said that tea has become a part of Moroccan culture. During the holidays, the Moroccan government will treat foreign guests with sweet tea. In the daily social cocktail party, you must drink three courses of tea after dinner. The so-called "three course tea" refers to three cups of sweet tea cooked with tea and sugar. The general proportion is 1 kg of tea, 10 kg of sugar and water. After the three courses of tea, the host is considered to be courteous. It is very comfortable to drink three courses of tea after the banquet. The tea set used for drinking tea is even more precious art. The king and the government of Morocco all take it as a gift for visiting state guests. Moroccan families also have it