Can drinking tea water eliminate food: does drinking green t

2021-01-12 20:51 admin
Can tea help digestion after dinner
Some people have formed the habit of drinking tea right after meals. In this way, it can not only clean the mouth, but also help digestion. In fact, drinking tea immediately after a meal, a lot of water into the stomach is digesting food, dilute the digestive juice secreted by the stomach, thus affecting the digestion of food by the stomach. In addition, tea contains a lot of tannic acid. Tea after dinner, will make the stomach has no time to digest protein and tannic acid combined into a kind of indigestible coagulation material, and affect the digestion and absorption of protein. More importantly, tea hinders the body's absorption of iron. If you drink 15 grams of dry tea after a meal, the absorption of iron in food will be reduced by 50%. In the long run, it will affect people's digestive function and even cause iron deficiency anemia.
Can tea help digestion?
Yes, tea can help digest the benefits of tea: 1, exciting the central nervous system, increase motor capacity. 2. Stimulate the secretion of gastric juice, help digestion, increase appetite, eliminate halitosis. 3. Maintain skin, decompose neutral fat, achieve the effect of weight loss and beauty. 4. Drink tea before drinking, prevent hangover 5, eliminate fatigue, promote metabolism. 6. Protect vision, maintain normal retina, prevent senile leukopenia, reduce blood cholesterol and blood lipid concentration, prevent arteriosclerosis, hypertension, cerebral thrombosis and other cardiovascular diseases. 8. Slow down aging and prolong life. 9. Strengthen teeth and bone, prevent tooth decay 10, inhibit cell mutation, with anticancer effect. 11. Treatment of radiation operation, protection of hematopoietic function, improve the number of white blood cells.
Is drinking tea water good?
What are the benefits of drinking tea? The physiological and pharmacological effects of tea on the human body can be summarized as follows: 1. Exciting effect: caffeine of tea can stimulate the central nervous system, help people to stimulate their spirit, enhance their thinking, eliminate fatigue and improve work efficiency. 2. Diuretic effect: caffeine and theophylline in tea have diuretic effect, used to treat edema, water stagnation tumor. The antidote and diuretic effect of black tea syrup can be used to treat acute icteric hepatitis. 3. Cardiotonic and antispasmodic effect: caffeine has the effect of strengthening heart, relieving spasm and relaxing smooth muscle. It can relieve bronchospasm and promote blood circulation. It is a good auxiliary drug for treating bronchial asthma, relieving cough and resolving phlegm, and myocardial infarction. 4. Inhibit arteriosclerosis: Tea Polyphenols and vitamin C in tea have the function of promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis to prevent arteriosclerosis. Therefore, the incidence rate of hypertension and coronary heart disease is low among people who drink tea regularly. 5. Tea polyphenols can coagulate in bacteria, and tea polyphenols can kill bacteria. It can be used to treat intestinal diseases, such as cholera, typhoid, dysentery, enteritis, etc. Skin sores, ulcers, pus, trauma broke the skin, wash the affected area with strong tea, have anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effect. Oral inflammation, ulceration, sore throat, with tea to treat, also has a certain effect. 6. Weight loss: caffeine, inositol, folic acid, pantothenic acid and aromatic substances in tea can regulate fat metabolism, especially oolong tea has a good decomposition effect on protein and fat. Tea polyphenols and vitamin C can reduce cholesterol and blood lipids, so drinking tea can lose weight. 7. Anti caries effect: tea contains fluoride, fluoride ion and calcium of teeth have a great affinity, can become a kind of more insoluble acid "fluoapatite", like to add a protective layer to the teeth, improve the ability of tooth anti acid and anti caries. 8. Inhibitory effect on cancer cells: it is reported that flavonoids in tea have different degrees of anticancer effect in vitro, and vitexine, Morin and catechin have stronger effect. Tea ten benefits 1, tea can make human moles, moisten the skin, invigorate the spirit, enhance thinking and memory. 2. Tea can eliminate fatigue, promote metabolism, and maintain the normal function of the heart, blood vessels, etc. 3. Drinking tea is good for preventing dental caries. 4. Tea has the effect of inhibiting malignant tumor. Drinking tea can obviously inhibit the mutation of cancer cells. 5. Tea contains essential trace element zinc for pregnant women. 6. Tea contains trace elements beneficial to human body. 7. Tea can inhibit cell aging and prolong people's life. 8. Tea can prevent arteriosclerosis, hypertension and cerebral thrombosis. 9. Drinking tea can excite the central nervous system, enhance sports ability and improve the performance of athletes. 10. Tea has a good effect on weight loss and beauty, especially oolong tea in China. Three ways to lose weight by drinking tea: tea is sweet and bitter, slightly cold and non-toxic. It has the functions of clearing heat, promoting diuresis, resolving phlegm and eliminating food. "Dietotherapy Materia Medica" said: "tea long food makes people thin, to people fat." Modern scientific research has proved that tea contains an acidic substance, which can precipitate fatty acids in food and excrete them after separation from water, thus reducing the burden of gastrointestinal tract. So when you eat fatty food and drink a cup of strong tea, you will feel very comfortable in your stomach. Moreover, tea can reduce weight by eliminating fat. The ancients believed that the reason why tea can lose weight is that it can clean the stomach and intestines. Weight loss should be green tea, the following three to green tea based weight loss tea, obesity might as well try. 1. Chenhulu 15 grams, tea 3 grams, two drugs into coarse powder, boiling water brewing instead of tea, can benefit water lipid-lowering, suitable for patients with hyperlipidemia and obesity. 2. Hawthorn, malt, tangerine peel, Poria cocos, Alisma orientalis, Shenqu, Prunella vulgaris, adzuki bean, Raphani seed, Cassia obtusifolia, Agastache rugosa, etc